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Kiss and Tell

‘Kiss and Tell’

Season 1, Episode 7 - Aired November 16, 2000

When Rory gets her first kiss from Dean in the grocery store, it's the talk of the town... except Rory hasn't told Lorelai yet.

Quote from Lane

Lane: You got the new kid? Oh, my God.
Rory: It happened so fast. I was just standing there.
Lane: Where?
Rory: Doose's Market.
Lane: He kissed you in the market?
Rory: On Aisle 3.
Lane: By the ant spray?
Rory: Yes.
Lane: Oh, that's a good aisle.
Rory: What defines a good aisle?
Lane: An aisle where you get kissed by the new kid is a good aisle.


Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: [on the phone] Yeah. Yeah, can you hear that? No, no, it's higher. It's like a high-pitched kind of a sound. [squeaks] It started last week. But was lower and it only happened when we opened the door. Now it's higher and on all the time. So I think it's really growing in confidence. Okay, look, I've already told this to three other people. So could you just please tell me what is wrong with this fridge? I'm not gonna make the noise again. I'm not... [squeaks] Look, Jerry, I don't have a lot of pride but I do have enough that I do not want to make that noise again. So could you tell me what is wrong with the fridge or connect me with someone who can? Thank you. Hello, Rusty? Great. Listen, my fridge is making this weird sound. It's a high-pitched... You know what, is Jerry still there? Okay, have him make the sound. He knows it. I'll wait. I know. It does sound bad. Okay, here is the deal. You will send someone out here tomorrow between 8:00 and 9:00. Because I work and can't wait four hours for one of you guys to show up. Great. Goodbye. [hangs up]
Rory: So, are they coming tomorrow?
Lorelai: Nope. Monday, between 3:00 and 8:00. I'm completely useless. I'm sorry. God, look at this place. It's a sty. Now I'm crabby. I'm crabby and useless. Ah, stupid fridge! Stupid fridge guys. [sighs] I hate my life.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Hello? Hello?
Mrs. Kim: [pops up from behind a table] Yes?
Lorelai: [gasps] God, quite an entrance. Jeez, my heart.
Mrs. Kim: Rory's not here.
Lorelai: No, I know. I came to pick up that rocker that I bought a couple weeks ago.
Mrs. Kim: Six weeks ago.
Lorelai: Okay, that's a couple times three. That's six. Math humor. It's not big with many people. Don't feel bad.

Quote from Lane

Lane: Well, let's see. Dean's from Chicago, which you know.
Rory: I do.
Lane: He likes Nick Drake, Liz Phair, and The Sugarplastic. And he's deathly allergic to walnuts.
Rory: Walnuts bad, got it.
Lane: Now, he had a girlfriend in Chicago.
Rory: A girlfriend?
Lane: Her name's Beth, and they went out for a year, but they split up amicably before he left. Now she's dating his cousin, which he doesn't feel so weird about 'cause he doesn't think they were really in love.
Rory: Beth.
Lane: I wouldn't worry about it.
Rory: How'd you get all this information?
Lane: Through his best friend, who, by the way, is really cool. So once you get settled with Dean, could you ask him about Todd?
Rory: Oh, absolutely. So, Beth, huh? I hate the name Beth. It's so... Beth.
Lane: Now, Todd also said that Dean hasn't been able to talk about anything but you for weeks. [Rory giggles and kisses Lane on the forehead] Stop it. You're giving me Patrick Cho flashbacks.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Rory had her first kiss. And that guy did it.
Luke: Ah. The new kid.
Lorelai: Yep. Oh, look at him. Look how smug he is.
Luke: He's bagging groceries. It's hard to be smug bagging groceries.
Lorelai: Look how he handled those lemons.
Luke: What're you saying?
Lorelai: He threw them in the bag. Not tossed them or placed them, but threw like they meant nothing.
Luke: They're lemons.
Lorelai: They're symbolic.
Luke: Okay, ye need to get you out of here.
Lorelai: No. That Lothario there has wormed his way into my daughter's heart and mouth and for that he must die.
Luke: That's it. Let's go. You're not gonna kill the bag boy.
Lorelai: Why not?
Luke: It's double-coupon day. You'll bring down the town.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: He looks like Christopher.
Luke: And Christopher is Rory's dad?
Lorelai: The hair, the build, something about the eyes. He reminds me of Christopher.
Luke: Well, that's not too surprising.
Lorelai: You're gonna quote Freud to me? 'Cause I'll push you in front of a moving car.
This talk was going so well.
Luke: You and Rory are a lot alike. It's not surprising you have similar tastes in men.
Lorelai: I guess. But why? Why didn't she tell me? We tell each other everything.
Luke: This is different.
Lorelai: But we tell each other everything else. But this she keeps a secret. It's 'cause it's a guy thing.
Luke: Probably.
Lorelai: Well, that's not good. I have to make her understand I'm okay with the guy thing 'cause not talking about guys and our personal lives that's me and my mom. That is not me and Rory.

Quote from Lorelai

Luke: Are you okay with the guy thing?
Lorelai: Yes.
Luke: Really?
Lorelai: Okay-ish.
Luke: That's not okay.
Lorelai: That's okay with an "ish."
Luke: Whatever you say.
Lorelai: She thinks I'll disapprove, right? Well, I won't. I will show her that I think this is great. Once she sees that I think this is great everything will be back to normal between us, right? Right, okay, good.
Luke: So you passed the need for an actual person to talk to minutes ago.
Lorelai: Oh, yeah, before the gelato stand.
Luke: You're an amazing woman.
Lorelai: Thank you for noticing.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: How long have you known?
Lorelai: Since this morning. You didn't think you were gonna keep it a secret, did you? You were making out in the market.
Rory: We weren't making out. It was just one kiss.
Lorelai: Yeah, well, by the time that gets to Miss Patty's it's a scene from 9 1/2 Weeks.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Okay, we must be quick 'cause the video store's gonna close. So stick to our list. No impulse buying like toothpaste or soap.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Do we want marshmallows?
Lorelai: Mmm. And jellybeans.
Rory: And chocolate Kisses.
Lorelai: Cookie dough we have at home, peanut butter... Ooh, do they have that thing with a sugar stick on one side but you dip it in sugar on the other side and eat it?
Rory: We are gonna be so sick.
Lorelai: It's amazing that we still function.

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