‘I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia’
Season 7, Episode 13 - Aired February 6, 2007
Lorelai, Rory and Emily rush to the hospital after Richard collapsed in class.
Quote from Rory
Rory: Um, they're doing tests, so that's where he is -- blood tests and another E.K.G. They did an E.K.G. in the ambulance, but I guess they're still trying to determine how much damage was actually caused by the heart attack. But that's definitely what it was. It was a myocardial infarction, which is a heart attack. I guess the E.K.G. tells them how bad the blockage of his arteries is and what degree of coronary-artery disease he has, or C.A.D., as they're calling it, because, apparently, everything is... What do you call it? An anagram? What's the thing with the letters? Acronym.
Quote from Emily
Emily: I'm Emily Gilmore. I would like to see my husband.
Nurse: Let's see. What is your husband's name?
Emily: Gilmore! Richard Gilmore! I'm his wife, and I would like to see him now.
Nurse: I'm sorry, he's in the cath lab right now, getting an angiogram. The doctor will come find you as soon as they're done.
Emily: There's no need to be cheery about it.
Nurse: I didn't mean-
Emily: Honestly, someone with your chipper personality ought to be a weather girl or a preschool teacher.
Nurse: I'm sorry you feel that way.
Emily: Oh, please. Don't mope.
Quote from Emily
Rory: I'm sorry, Grandma, that sounds terrible.
Emily: I mean, none of this would have been a problem if I'd been allowed to keep my cellphone
But no. Cellphones have been banned allegedly because of noise pollution. Well, if that's the reason, they should ban John Abbott. Because I'm telling you, every time that man hits a ball, he grunts like a rutting hog. He's twice as loud as my cellphone. And they won't even let you leave your cellphone on vibrate. It's preposterous. I mean, what do they think we're doing, making drug deals?
Lorelai: I doubt that's it.
Emily: Which, by the way, are absolutely, 100% taking place. I saw Devorah Inwood handing Cardum Kelly a small, blue pill in the ladies' locker room while they made shady eyes at each other.
Lorelai: Drug deals at the club? Mom, I don't think so.
Emily: Absolutely. The whole place is going to the dogs. Oh, and now apparently, they want to start charging us for meals, on top of the king's ransom we pay in dues. It's appalling. I mean, the very idea of charging extra for the junk they serve there.
Quote from Emily
Dr. Goldstein: Feel free to ask me any questions you might have.
Emily: Are you the one who will be performing the surgery?
Dr. Goldstein: Yes, along with a team. I'll be the chief surgeon.
Emily: Where did you go to school?
Dr. Goldstein: I'm sorry?
Emily: You did attend school, didn't you?
Lorelai: Mom.
Dr. Goldstein: No, it's okay. Yes, I got my B.A. at Yale. I went to medical school at Harvard. I did my residency at Columbia Presbyterian before I became chief of Cardiothoracic surgery here.
Emily: See?
Lorelai: See what?
Quote from Richard
Richard: Tucson.
Lorelai: What?
Richard: Tucson is extremely hot, and it has a dry climate that doesn't agree with me, and I really don't think much of the way they dress out there. And I have a deep aversion to cacti of all kinds. And yet Tucson is a place where I think I would rather be.
Lorelai: Anywhere but here, right, Dad? Although, it's awfully dry.
Rory: And so hot.
Emily: And you're right about the fashion. Ponchos and all that turquoise. Oh, and men in sandals. Spare me. [chuckles]
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: [on the phone] Hey, it's me again. I don't know if you got my other message. We're still here at the hospital, and, uh Dad's gonna have surgery. He's having a coronary bypass pretty soon. I just came from his room, and, um he doesn't look bad, you know? He looks okay, considering. But, uh he's lying down. He just... just looks so small. It just made me think of this time, there was a tree in our yard I would always climb, and one day, I climbed up really, really high. Dad came home from work. I watched him go into the house, and I thought, "He looks so small." It was so strange to see him look like that. Um, anyway, I should go, but, uh... call me when you get this, okay? Bye.
Quote from Michel
Michel: Tell Lorelai that the Zimmermans in room 4 are not a married couple, as we had thought, but rather a brother and a sister.
Sookie: No, I'm not telling Lorelai that. She's in a hospital.
Michel: Tell her they requested a rollaway bed, and we do not have any rollaway bed left.
Sookie: I am not talking to Lorelai about rollaway beds.
Michel: Tell Lorelai that the Zimmermans are very demanding, and very big, and they need a bed!
Lorelai: [on the phone] Tell Michel that the Murrays are checking out at 3:00 and he can use the rollaway bed from their room.
Sookie: She says you can take the rollaway bed from the Murrays. They're checking out at 3:00.
Michel: Ahh! Very good. Tell her "thank you."
Sookie: He says "thank you" and apologizes for being such a pest.
Michel: Tell her I miss her here very, very much!
Quote from Emily
Lorelai: Somebody's very chipper on the phone. Somebody should consider a career as a weather girl.
Emily: Oh, please, I've spent years cultivating my relationship with the maitre d' at Persephone's. I'm hardly about to let it go down the drain in one night. "Call Persephone's". Done. We're missing the sea scallops. Persephone's does the most wonderful job with seafood. I wish we'd eaten there more often. It's such a shame. They make a cedar-plank salmon that is... I don't know if you like salmon.
Lorelai: Uh, no, but I love a nice, juicy cedar plank.
Emily: Salmon is one of the best fish in terms of the omega-3s. It's absolutely marvelous for you, and it makes your skin positively glow.
Lorelai: Beauty tips are not really big on my list of priorities right now, Mom.
Quote from Rory
Rory: So I tell Paris, "I don't care if it would theoretically increase my chances of getting a grant to study in Russia. I am not willing to pretend to be an accomplished rhythmic gymnast."
Logan: How do you pretend to be a rhythmic gymnast, anyway?
Rory: I don't even know. Do you whirl around some ribbons? Balance a ball on your nose? She's taking the idea of our impending graduation with a pinch of total insanity.
Quote from Emily
Emily: I need to cancel Richard's tennis match. I guess I'm not gonna make it to my book club tomorrow. Just as well, I haven't even cracked the cover. Whatever gives Suzanna Shaw the idea that the rest of us share her barbaric interest in Cormac McCarthy is beyond me.