‘Forgiveness and Stuff’
Season 1, Episode 10 - Aired December 21, 2000
With tensions still running high following Rory's night with Dean, Emily uninvites Lorelai from the family's annual Christmas party.
Quote from Luke
Rory: Where's Mom?
Luke: Looking for coffee.
Rory: What are you doing?
Luke: Staring at my shoes.
Rory: Okay, carry on.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: You have to understand the major panic factor that went on there.
Rory: I do. I really do, and I'm so sorry. Nothing like that will happen again, I swear.
Lorelai: Mmm. Don't swear.
Rory: Why not?
Lorelai: Because you are your mother's daughter.
Rory: What's that?
Lorelai: It means things can happen even when you don't really mean for them to happen.
Rory: They will not happen.
Lorelai: [chuckles] Okay.
Quote from Rory
Rory: I hated going to that party tonight without you.
Lorelai: I hated you going to that party tonight without me. How were the apple tarts?
Rory: Grandma didn't make them this year.
Lorelai: Really?
Rory: Yeah.
Lorelai: That's weird.
Rory: I know.
Lorelai: Are you lying?
Rory: Through my teeth.
Lorelai: Good girl.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: Luke's gonna take you home. I'm gonna hang out here for a while.
Rory: I'll stay, too.
Lorelai: No, go. Call Dean. Talk mushy and then spend an hour arguing over who's gonna hang up first.
Rory: You're gross.
Lorelai: I'll call you later.
Quote from Lorelai
Emily: Where's Rory?
Lorelai: I sent her home with Luke.
Emily: What about you?
Lorelai: I thought I'd stick around in case anybody needed anything.
Emily: Really?
Lorelai: I mean, not you. You obviously don't need anything. But somebody somewhere in this hospital might need something and I'm gonna be the person who gets it for them.
Emily: Would you like to go down to the cafeteria for something to eat?
Lorelai: Yes, maybe somebody in the cafeteria will need something.
Emily: Oh, dear.
Lorelai: And won't they feel lucky when they see me? "Hey, I needed something, and there you were." It's gonna be a great moment.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: Hello.
Luke: Hey, how's your dad?
Lorelai: Better. Though he says life is not life unless it includes a steak. How come you're not out with everyone?
Luke: I have some things to do.
Lorelai: Right. Anyway, this is for you.
Luke: What's it for?
Lorelai: Just thank you, Christmas, whatever.
Luke: Christmas isn't for two weeks.
Lorelai: Do we really have to do this again? [Luke removes a baseball cap from a bag] I just thought, God forbid something happens to that one, you might need a spare. Here. [puts it on Luke] Does that look wrong. [puts it on Luke backwards] There.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: Ooh, hey, turn out the lights.
Luke: For what? It's not even the real procession. It's just the rehearsal.
Lorelai: So? It's pretty.
Luke: And why do they need to rehearse it? It's the same thing every year.
Lorelai: Come on, Luke, please? It's hard to imagine living somewhere else, isn't it?
Luke: Thanks for the hat.
Lorelai: You're welcome. Looks good on you.
Luke: Good how?
Lorelai: Just watch the procession.