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Fight Face

‘Fight Face’

Season 6, Episode 2 - Aired September 20, 2005

Lorelai adopts a dog to help her through her loneliness. Luke starts thinking about renovating Lorelai's house when it's clear she doesn't want to give up her home. Meanwhile, Rory starts her community service.

Quote from Luke

Lorelai: So, maybe tomorrow, if you're still doing this, it could be 8:00-ish. I mean, I love that you're doing it, but-
Luke: Yeah, I needed to start early so I could get this done. Man!
Lorelai: Hey, what's with the 'tude?
Luke: Nothing. It's just... You know you got a frisbee up here?
Lorelai: A what?
Luke: A frisbee, just sitting up here. What are you thinking?!
Lorelai: It's not my frisbee.
Luke: So it just walked up here on its own?
Lorelai: Luke, there is a lost frisbee on the roof of every suburban home in America. No less a luminary than Garrison Keillor said that. It's not that big a deal.
Luke: Every roof, huh? Well, that's a great use of plastic.
Lorelai: It's not my frisbee. I've never played frisbee.


Quote from Sookie

Lorelai: [sighs] It's big.
Sookie: That's what she said.
Lorelai: Good one.
Sookie: Hey, I'm still 12.
Lorelai: But I meant the house. It's very big.

Quote from Lorelai

Sookie: And very sweet of Luke to have that dream of his. You two living in this house?
Lorelai: What do you think there are, 12 rooms?
Sookie: At least. You could really go to town in this place. You could have a dedicated sewing room. I mean, that's a no-brainer.
Lorelai: You kidding? I could put a whole loom in one of those rooms, indulge my long-harbored desire to make tapestries.
Sookie: You've been long-harboring that one?
Lorelai: I just thought of it, but, yeah.
Sookie: So, it's all feeling good, huh?
Lorelai: Well, it's a little on the Versailles side. I'm gonna have to keep an eye out for peasants with pitchforks.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: I'm totally re-evaluating the whole thing.
Sookie: Really?
Lorelai: No!
Sookie: Well, you've got priors.
Lorelai: Sookie.
Sookie: You say one thing, but your heart says another.
Lorelai: Please, don't give me the whole litany, especially one that sounds like a Kenny Chesney song.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Whoa.
Sookie: What?
Lorelai: Is it me or...
Sookie: Nope. I think it just got bigger.
Lorelai: That's what she said.
Sookie: Good grief.

Quote from Luke

Luke: This has been bugging me.
Lorelai: For months. We saw that movie months ago. You've got to let it go.
Luke: I can't.
Lorelai: George Lucas owns San Francisco now. That's a city. You can't argue with a man who owns a city.
Luke: All the other guy has to do is scurry onto land, run up a hill a bit, and then he has the high ground. I mean, they can fly jetpods, but they can't scurry?
Lorelai: Go on a website or something, okay? 'Cause there are thousands no, millions of your kind out there debating all the minutiae of not just this Star Wars movie, but every Star Wars movie.

Quote from Richard

Emily: So the 14th works?
Richard: Yeah, works for me. My god, we're busier than that Ann Coulter.
Emily: Who?
Richard: That blond bean pole on TV. If she walked over a subway grate, she'd fall through.

Quote from Emily

Emily: We need to talk to the gardener.
Richard: Try. I've given up.
Emily: I told him to take that MP3 device off his head while he worked, and he did. Then I hid behind the curtains, and he put his MP3 device right back in his ears.
Richard: We're paying him too much if he's able to afford an MP3 device.
Emily: Well, he's got to focus on the lawn.

Quote from Richard

Richard: We're staying on top of your car, by the way.
Emily: My car?
Richard: It's still in the shop. What is with our government? Impounding a car and damaging it in the process.
Emily: Then refusing to pay for the damage.
Richard: I should tell Scooter Libby about this. I keep forgetting I know a man on the inside. I'll give him a call.
Emily: Before an indictment comes down.

Quote from Emily

Rory: Where did you get this, Grandma?
Emily: I had your grandfather's secretary find me info on interacting with fellow prisoners.
Rory: But we're not prisoners. We're just doing community service.
Emily: They look like prisoners.
Rory: Well, you know, sitting here in the jag staring at them is probably not going to help my popularity.
Emily: Oh, you're right. That's on the list, too. Staring is bad. You shouldn't do it for more than one or two seconds.
Rory: I won't.
Emily: And they emphasize that you "keep your fight face at home." I'm guessing that's any sort of aggressive expression, whether you're staring at the person or not. Fight face, remember that.

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