Quote from Lorelai in Fight Face
Lorelai: It could be, like, a paint studio. Luke: We don't paint. Lorelai: Well, maybe we'll start. Maybe it's the lack of a studio that's kept us from realizing our love of watercolors. Luke: I don't have a love of watercolors. Lorelai: Or I could use it as my recording studio. That would be cool, huh? And when I'm not laying down tracks, I could rent it out to Korn or Iggy Pop or someone, right? You and me just hanging with Iggy Pop, rocking out, telling stories. Ig's got stories. Luke: Uh-huh. Lorelai: Or we could use it as a safe house in case we decide to take up a life of crime. Luke: I doubt we're going to do that. Lorelai: Well, we could be wrongly accused of a crime we did not commit. Then we'd have to hide out until society realized the mistake, and then we'd be like, "Hey, no hard feelings. It happens. This is a great country, and thank god we had the safe house."