Quote from Luke in Blame Booze and Melville
Lorelai: There's more, I know it. It's germinating. Luke: I'm done, I'm at peace. Lorelai: There is no more. Luke: ... Just the smell of Manhattan! Lorelai: I knew it. There was more. Luke: I mean, forget about the smells you can't identify. The ones you can identify are putrid! I mean, if it's not that rank smell of hot dog gushing out of those dirty sidewalk carts, it's the stench of the subway pouring out of the dirty grates. I mean, the manhole-cover steam? God knows what that steam is. I mean, you can't get a breath of fresh air! Lorelai: Go, Luke! Rant, Luke! Luke: The whole city is a decaying heap. It's too many people crammed into too many buildings on too small a piece of land. It's an experiment that's failed. They should just give the whole island a push and float it over to Europe. Lorelai: But after we see Spamalot, right? I paid a lot for those tickets. Luke: I'm fine with an urban environment. But you need land around your space. Air to breathe. I'm done again.