Quote from Lorelai in But I'm a Gilmore!
Paris: Founder's Day punch? Kirk: Abba Zabbas. Lorelai: Good morning, Vietnam. [Paris groans] How's everyone feeling today? Terrific. Okay, I got tacos, hard tacos, I got soft tacos, I got fries, curly, straight, and spicy. Paris: Are you serious? Lorelai: Trust me. It's the best hangover food on the East Coast. Kirk: You get a Mars bar? You know, hair of the dog? Lorelai: Ah, there's pop tarts in the cabinet, Kirk. Coffee'll be up in a minute, grab some water and start hydrating! Paris: The smell of these tacos is making me nauseous. Lorelai: No, no, no. That's the quart of Patty's non-FDA-approved Founder's Day punch you drank last night. Eat a taco.