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Quote from Lorelai in But I'm a Gilmore!

Lorelai: Oh, here, before I forget. Um, this fell out of your pocket last night while you were pulling an Exorcist.
Rory: Mm. Paris gave it to me to hold so she wouldn't call Doyle.
Lorelai: She was the talk of the town this morning. Attacked the pretzel cart, police backup had to be called for the first time ever.
Rory: She was quite a mess.
Lorelai: Uh-huh. So apparently it was a theme.
Rory: I am sorry. It won't happen again, believe me.
Lorelai: You, of all people, should know the dangers of the Founder's Day punch. Did you learn nothing from Mommy's Coyote Ugly bar dance at last year's Salute to the Quakers festival?
Rory: Oh, now, you can't blame that all on the punch.
Lorelai: Well, don't get me wrong, I'm always up for a little mother-daughter bonding, but seriously, when did facials go out of style?

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