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Quote from Lorelai in Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels

Lorelai: Cold, cold, cold, cold ! Icy feet, stupid frozen-tundra house! Honey, why are you sleeping in here? Your room is way warmer. [no response from the couch] Okay, here's the question for today, kids. What the hell are the Eskimos thinking? I mean, yes, the hoods are cute, but it's always cold. Always! Plus you have to eat fish for breakfast and you have to eat whales and then polar bears and penguins and Santa Claus Okay, coffee's on, Pop-Tarts are Pop-Tarting! If you're just going to lie there, I'm going to have to sit here. I'm going to make myself very comfortable on a nice, warm Rory!
Rory: [enters] Why is it so cold in here?
Lorelai: [screams] I thought I was sitting on you!
Rory: Oh, really? Good trick.
Lorelai: Well, if you are there, then who is this?
Rory: I don't know.
Lorelai: We've got a stranger in our house.
Rory: Robert Downey, Jr?
Lorelai: Or a murderer.
Rory: ...who needed to take a nap before committing his crimes?
Lorelai: [peels back the blanket to reveal Lane] I think this belongs to you.
Rory: She must have followed me home from Yale. I told her she could hang out there this weekend.
Lorelai: But why do that when you can come here and sleep where penguins need a coat?

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