Quote from Lorelai in Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels
Rory: Why don't you call a guy? Lorelai: What guy? Rory: A window fixing guy. Lorelai: Ah, Luke always gets mad when I pay someone to do something that he could do for free. And then he lectures me about it every time I see him and it's annoying. "Oh, you paid him how much to fix the window? What, you couldn't just find someone to steal your purse that day? Hey, while you're at it I've got an idea, why don't you go down to a Versateller and let them charge you five bucks to take your own money out of the bank? Or buy some tickets at Ticketmaster and wind up paying more in service charges than it would cost you to see the band? Oh, here's a great fifty buck mark up on a bottle of wine that it would have cost you ten dollars in the supermarket you're missing!" Rory: Oh my God, Luke is annoying.