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Quote from Michel in Eight O'Clock at the Oasis

Michel: I'm sorry, did I hear you mention something about an auction?
Lorelai: My mother's women's group is having one next week.
Michel: Oh, well, you know. I love a good auction. The drama, the strategy.
Lorelai: The strategy?
Michel: Oh, yes. First, you mustn't be too eager because that drives the price way up.
Lorelai: Don't be too eager, got it.
Michel: And you must always be extremely careful of your paddle movements.
Lorelai: Well, that certainly calls for a "Dirty!"
Michel: How's your arm raise? Good?
Lorelai: Pretty good.
Michel: Ah, I have an excellent arm raise.
Lorelai: That's what it says on the bathroom wall.

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