Quote from Lorelai in It Should've Been Lorelai
Rory: Not the Two Fat Ladies again. Lorelai: Why not? They're brilliant. Rory: Because it's a cooking show and you don't cook. Lorelai: That might change. Rory: Not a chance. Lorelai: Probably not. Rory: Plus, we've seen all of them, like, five times. They're all repeats. Lorelai: Yeah, sadly, because one of the fat ladies met her maker. Rory: Really? Which one? Lorelai: The fat one. Rory: Come on. The one on the motorcycle or the one in the sidecar? Lorelai: See? It's fun just talking about the two fat ladies. Rory: Can't we find other really fat people to watch? Lorelai: That sounded really insensitive.