Quote from Lorelai in Presenting Lorelai Gilmore
Rory: I'm coming out. Lorelai: Out of what? Rory: Out into society. Lorelai: What are you talking about? Rory: I went to Grandma's house after school. Lorelai: Right away, bad. Rory: And, um her DAR friends are all there, they're talking about this Debutante Ball that's being thrown. Lorelai: Oh, no. Rory: And when I got back from Grandpa's office, they invited me onto the patio. Lorelai: No, no, no. Tell me you did not go onto the patio. Rory: I went onto the patio. Lorelai: Oh, Rory, that's like accepting the position as the drummer in Spinal Tap.