Emily: Lorelai, six years ago, when your father was in the hospital, we were completely unprepared, and we agreed to never let that happen again. So we made a plan, and I am simply following through on the plan.
Lorelai: So your plan was to chat up Persephone's to make sure you don't lose your special table and to order tons of swordfish and salmon to keep your skin glowing and to happily discuss with Quentin whether or not Dad should be resuscitated?
Emily: These are things that need to be dealt with.
Lorelai: No, what has to be dealt with is that Dad could be dying. What you're dealing with is phone calls and a checklist. You're not his secretary, mom. You're his wife.
Emily: Yes. And what do you know about being a wife? You've been married for what 40 days? Your father and I have been married for over 40 years. For 2/3rds of my life, I have been the wife of Richard Gilmore. I run his household. I plan his meals. I buy his clothes, I entertain his business associates. When he loses his reading glasses, I find them. When he wants a nightcap, I make it for him. If he can't remember the name of a colleague's wife, I whisper it in his ear. That's what I do. I take care of him. That's my job. That's who I am. And if I could be performing his surgery right now, I would be, but I can't.. It's out of my hands. [sobs] It's out of my hands, and there's nothing I can do but wait. I could lose him, Lorelai. He's my whole life, and there's nothing I can do!