Quote from Lane in That's What You Get, Folks, For Makin' Whoopee
Lane: You can drop the act, Rory. It's okay. I've known the real deal about Santa Claus for years. And now I know about sex. Rory: Lane. Lane: You know what's funny? I really thought my mother was being an insane prude when she said that sex was horrible for women. But now I can see that, in fact, my mother was the only woman who wasn't willing to maintain this ridiculous, pervasive, media-supported charade. Rory: What ridiculous, pervasive, media-supported charade? Lane: That sex is normal. That sex is a wonderful part of life. That sex is sexy. I mean, can we just not admit it? Sex is not sexy. Sex is horrible. Rory: Sex doesn't have to be horrible. Lane: In a way, I'm impressed with the depth of the conspiracy. If you think about it, it says something about the potential power of women that the entire gender could collude in creating the "sex is sexy" myth.