Paris: We keep the door fully locked, even when we're home. We actually added the chains after there were a couple of break-ins on the street, but we've never had any trouble. We've got a very sophisticated crime-prevention system set up here. When we leave, we always keep the radio on. Rush Limbaugh, of course, so they know we have guns in the house. The lights are all on a timer, so don't touch the switches. And there's a motion detector in the hallway, so don't freak out when it goes on at night. Now, over here is our trusty dog, bloodhound. [dog barks on CD] Excellent for magazine pushers and pamphlet bearers of all types.
Rory: You've got it all covered.
Paris: Pretty much. That's our room. That's your room. They're both the same size, but we have an extra window 'cause Doyle has dreams about walls collapsing in on him, so he needs to sleep near glass.
Rory: Oh, my God! Were those gunshots?
Paris: No, that was just a car backfiring. The real gunfire actually sounds fake. You'll pick it up eventually. They call it "ghetto ear."
Rory: Something to look forward to.
Paris: Now, Doyle sleeps very deeply, so don't worry about the hours. I, as you know, haven't slept through the night since the first time I saw The Wizard of Oz, thank you Mom, so I tend to do my crafts in the middle of the night. But the walls are very thick so you won't hear a thing.