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Quote from Rory in The UnGraduate

Rory: So, I tell the guy, "Hey, there is no way all these potatoes could have been peeled if I had waltzed in here at 12:00." He simply refused to believe me or credit me with the hours, so finally I just said, "You know what? There is another soup kitchen down on Hadley, and they serve more vegetables than you do, so I would rather work there anyhow." And I turned in my apron, and I walked out.
Logan: Wow. Rough world, the world of community service.
Rory: Oh, you don't know the half of it. I've done 125 hours, so I've got 175 to go, which is a little off my goal, but not by much, so I can deal. I've got the candy-striper thing starting next week. I didn't really want that, but I had to take it because I was supposed to get on the zoo beat, which would have been gross but great because they'll let you do a double shift. But they're always full. Weird, huh?
Logan: Very weird.

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