Quote from Miss Patty in Fight Face
Miss Patty: You got a bad record. You got to admit it. Lorelai: That thing with the hamster was a long time ago. It was a long time ago! And it was only a hamster. I mean, it's not really in the same category as dog or pig, now, is it? Miss Patty: What about the rabbit? Lorelai: Okay, the rabbit was sick when I got it. It was sick when I got it. It was very humanitarian of me to take it in the first place. Miss Patty: And that poor turtle. It was supposed to outlive you. Lorelai: Okay, you're really kind of bringing down the pet fair here, Patty. Miss Patty: Honey, go see March of the Penguins. That's really as close to the animals as you should get.