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Quote from Lorelai in The Hobbit, the Sofa and Digger Stiles

Rory: [on the phone] She didn't even ask. She got rid of everything that was in here. What if some of that furniture belonged to someone and they wanted it? I don't know what she was thinking.
Lorelai: She was thinking, [imitates Emily] "Rory's life - mine. Must cover with chenille."
Rory: I can't believe she did this.
Lorelai: Oh, yes, you can.
Rory: Excuse me?
Lorelai: Rory, come on, it's my mother. It's Emily Gilmore. This is what she does. You've seen her pull stunts like this on me for years.
Rory: Yeah, but that was you.
Lorelai: I told you when you borrowed that money from her that this is what you were getting into.
Rory: I can't believe you're gloating.
Lorelai: I'm not gloating. I'm just saying, when you sleep with dogs, you wake up with an entertainment center.

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