Quote from Rory in Kiss and Tell
Lorelai: Are you crazy? You can't watch Willy Wonka without massive amounts of junk food. It's not right. I won't allow it. We're going in. [Rory stands still] Rory, it's fine. Rory: It's too weird. Lorelai: I'm gonna have to meet him eventually. Rory: Okay, how about next year? Lorelai: I'm going to be so cool in there, you will mistake me for Shaft. Rory: There will be no interrogation. Lorelai: I swear. Rory: No kissing noises. No stories from my childhood. No referring to Chicago as ChiTown. No James Dean jokes. No father-with-a-shotgun stares. No Nancy Walker impressions. Lorelai: Oh, come on.