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Quote from Lorelai in Teach Me Tonight

Lorelai: What are you doing here?
Luke: I made some brownies. I thought you might like some.
Lorelai: Well, since I just ate a half-bag of marshmallows, six Pop-Tarts, four bagel dogs and a really stale Cheese Nip... Yep, it's brownie time. Thanks.
Lorelai: Here's a question for you.
Luke: Yeah?
Lorelai: Well, you probably have a diner full of people who'd love these brownies. Plus, I bet they'd pay you for them.
Luke: Well, I accidentally dropped triple the amount of cocoa powder in the batter, so I either had to dump the batch or find someone with some sort of superhuman chocolate tolerance. Only one name came to mind.
Lorelai: God, I love being special.

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