Quote from Lorelai in Kiss and Tell
Lorelai: Rory is a smart kid. She's never been much for guys. The fact that she likes you means a lot. I don't believe she'd waste her time with some loser. Dean: But you're watching me. Lorelai: Sweetheart, the whole town is watching you. That girl in there is beloved around here. You hurt her, there's not a safe place within a hundred miles for you to hide. This is a very small, weird place you moved to. Dean: I've noticed. Lorelai: So, just know all eyes are on you. Dean: Anything else? Lorelai: She's not going on your motorcycle. Dean: I don't have a motorcycle. Lorelai: She's not going on your motorcycle. Dean: Fine. She won't go on my motorcycle. Lorelai: Curfew will be enforced. You will not detract from her schoolwork. And you're going to start handling those lemons better. Dean: What? Lorelai: Don't interrupt me when I'm speaking. I reserve the right to change, alter, tweak, or add to this list of rules at any time without any written notice.