Quote from Lorelai in I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia
Rory: I keep thinking this is all just a nightmare. Lorelai: I know. Rory: But it's not. Lorelai: No. I mean, it's a nightmare but not a nightmare nightmare. I know 'cause I have shoes on. In my nightmares, I never am wearing shoes. Rory: I didn't know that. Lorelai: Yeah, yeah. It's the worst thing in the dream, too. I could be chased by snakes or in a nuclear explosion, but then I look down, and, "Oh, my god! I'm not wearing shoes!" Rory: Huh. I wonder what that means. Lorelai: Well, probably means I have a fear of hurting my bare feet or of losing my shoes. Rory: Not so Freudian, huh? Lorelai: For me, a snake is just a snake, a slingback is just a slingback.