Quote from Lorelai in Santa's Secret Stuff
Lorelai: I smell Christmas cookies. Rory: There's no way you can smell cookies from six days ago. Lorelai: So there were Christmas cookies. Rory: There may have been a little Christmas. Lorelai: Unbelievable! Rory: London, as a city, is very Christmas-obsessed, okay? I couldn't help what was going on around me. But inside, I assure you, I was devoid of the Christmas spirit. A complete scrooge. Lorelai: I didn't let any Christmas happen. I Grinched it up so hard, I didn't let it snow. Rory: What? It hasn't snowed yet? Lorelai: Thanks to me thinking of you and our agreement, our pledge, our oath. Rory: You stopped the snow? Lorelai: Yes, sheer force of will. We said we would have no Christmas, so I had no Christmas.