Quote from Lorelai in A Vineyard Valentine
Lorelai: Ooh, and here, of course, is the big-time Martha's vineyard thing, whaling. Luke: They have whaling? Lorelai: Not anymore. It's just a fun fact. "Martha's Vineyard was one of the world's largest whaling ports." Says here people used every part of the whale back then, the most important being spermaceti, used in candle production. Yuck, couldn't think up a less gross substance to use for candles? Luke: You know, it's a good thing I don't drive a compact. Lorelai: Herman Melville once shipped out of Martha's Vineyard. Here's a quote from Moby Dick. "Oars, oars, grip your oars, and clutch your souls now. My god, pull, men!" Wait a second. That isn't the pulling they had to do to get the spermaceti, is it? Luke: I don't think so.