Quote from Sookie in The Perfect Dress
Luke: Of course you're gonna wear white. Brides wear white. That's the rule. Lorelai: Says who? Luke: Y-you have to wear white. My mother wore white. Her mother wore white. Sookie: Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke! Do you know who I am? Luke: Of course I know who you are. Sookie: Who am I, Luke? Luke: You're Sookie. Sookie: No, Luke. I'm not "Sookie." I'm "Sookie B.F.O.T.B." Luke: What? Sookie: Best Friend Of The Bride. It is my responsibility to help plan this event, to talk through all the details, to taste the cake and pick the invitations, and to keep you - the fiance of the bride - from having to pretend to be interested in things that he has no interest in.