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Quote from Lorelai in Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out

Lorelai: Cool. Wow. They could make a movie about this someday. You know, the reluctant, handsome diner owner sponsoring a team that goes all the way to the national finals, and you know who would play you?
Luke: Who?
Lorelai: Toby Maguire!
Luke: He's way younger than me.
Lorelai: But his career is hot. Go with Toby.
Luke: What about that Vito Morgenstern?
Lorelai: Sure. Or Viggo Mortensen.
Luke: Oh.
Lorelai: Or Donald Sutherland.
Luke: Too old.
Lorelai: We'll dye his hair.
Luke: He's got jowls.
Lorelai: You're picky.

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