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Quote from Richard in Twenty-One is the Loneliest Number

Lorelai: What about Rory?
Richard: I don't like what I see in that girl.
Lorelai: My eyes?
Richard: She's lost focus. She's drifting, aimless. You know she's joined the DAR?
Lorelai: I saw the picture in the paper.
Richard: She's running around, planning tea parties like she's the Mad Hatter. All she talks about are seating charts and canapes and fund-raisers... and that boy.
Lorelai: You mean Logan?
Richard: She's heading in the wrong direction, and I don't like it. Now, I've thought long and hard about this, and I've come to a decision. We need a plan.
Lorelai: But- [exhales] We- I had a plan. You changed the plan. Plan's gone, baby.
Richard: I don't appreciate your tone.
Lorelai: Apparently the proper tone went out with the plan.

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