George Wendt Quotes

Find quotes from 1 of George Wendt's TV roles.

  • Norm Peterson - Cheers Norm Peterson - Cheers

    Cheers is a Boston bar where "everybody knows your name", run by former baseball player and recovering alcoholic Sam Malone.

    Main Character 1,116 quotes

Cheers: Norm Peterson Quotes

Quote from Tan 'n' Wash

Norm: [enters] Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm!
Paul: Hey, Norm, how's the world been treatin' ya?
Norm: Like a baby treats a diaper.


Quote from The Proposal

Norm: [enters] Good afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm.
Woody: Hey, Mr. Peterson. What's the story?
Norm: Boy meets beer. Boy drinks beer. Boy gets another beer.

Quote from Behind Every Great Woman

Norm: [enters] Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm!
Sam: What would you like, Norm?
Norm: A reason to live. Keep them coming.