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The One with the Proposal (Part 1)

‘The One with the Proposal (Part 1)’

Season 6, Episode 24 - Aired May 18, 2000

Chandler takes Monica out to an expensive restaurant to propose, but a blast from Monica's past disrupts his plans. Meanwhile, Phoebe and Joey join Rachel at a charity auction, and Ross decides to break things off with Elizabeth.

Quote from Ross

Ross: Everybody put their balloons down! Now, this is a nice suit!


Quote from Joey

Mr. Thompson: And finally, our biggest item of the night. The 22-foot Gentleman's Daysailer sailboat. The winning bid was a whopping $20,000.
Joey: I won. That was my guess.
Rachel: What? What? What?
Joey: I guessed $20,000.
Rachel: Joey, it is an auction. You don't guess. You buy.
Joey: What? I don't have $20,000.
Mr. Thompson: Congratulations on your new boat, Joey Tribbiani.
Rachel: Joey, sit down.
Phoebe: Forget her. You enjoy this. Whoo!

Quote from Monica

Chandler: Before I met you, I had really little life. And I couldn't imagine growing old with-
Monica: Oh, my God.
Chandler: I know. But let me say it.
Monica: Oh, my God. Richard.
Chandler: What? I'm Chandler. Oh, that's Richard.
Monica: Oh, God. Maybe he won't see us. Richard!

Quote from Chandler

Richard: I'm sorry. Lisa, Monica, Chandler. We used to date.
Chandler: Richard, no one's supposed to know about us. See, I did it again.

Quote from Joey

Rachel: What were you thinking?
Joey: I didn't know it was an auction. I figured I'd take a guess. Help a charity. Free boat!
Rachel: Why would a charity give away a free boat?
Joey: I don't know. Charity?

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: All right, this is what we're going to do. We'll go to the next highest bidder, and we are just going to let them buy it. And then you're just gonna pay the difference.
Joey: Okay. I don't know why the kids need a youth center anyway. They should just watch TV after school like I did. And I turned out fine.
Rachel: Not great.

Quote from Chandler

Richard: As a poet once said, "In the sweetness of friendship, let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures, for in the dew of little things, the heart finds its morning and is refreshed."
Monica: Aww.
Chandler: What?

Quote from Monica

Monica: I thought you were going out with Elizabeth.
Ross: Yeah, I was. But she was a little busy with a water balloon fight.
Monica: Oh, Ross. Sometimes grownups have commitments they just can't get out of.

Quote from Monica

Monica: Why don't you just weigh the good stuff about the relationship against the bad stuff. I mean, that's what I did when I first started ... weighing stuff.

Quote from Joey

Joey: Excuse me. Is there a Mr. Bowmont at this table?
Mr. Bowmont: That's me.
Rachel: Well, hello. This is your lucky day, Mr. Bowmont. The Gentleman Daysailer has just become available again. And I believe you made a bid of $18,000?
Joey: You have to pay that. It's not just a guess.

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