The One with All the Thanksgiving Quotes   Page 2 of 3  

The One with All the Thanksgiving Quotes

Enjoy the best quotes from the Thanksgiving episodes of Friends.

Quote from Joey in The One Where Ross Got High

Ross: Beef in a dessert? There is- No, no, no. There is no way.
Joey: I know. And only one layer of jam? What is up with that?
Ross: Oh, my God. The pages are stuck together.
Joey: Chandler!


Quote from Judy Geller in The One with All the Thanksgivings

Judy Geller: Monica, come down. Everyone's here. Ross, Rachel and the boy who hates Thanksgiving.

Quote from Phoebe in The One with Rachel's Other Sister

Chandler: So, let me just get this straight. So my two friends die, I get Emma. Then my wife dies. Then Emma, the one tiny ray of hope left in my life gets taken away from me?
Phoebe: There's your movie.

Quote from Monica in The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs

Ross: Hey, everybody. Happy Thanksgiving.
Chandler: No, no, no.
Ross: What? Are we keeping Thanksgiving a secret this year?
Chandler: No, we are playing this game I learned at work. You have to name all the states in six minutes.
Ross: What? That's like insanely easy.
Chandler: No, it's a lot harder than it sounds. You always forget at least one. Or in some cases, fourteen.
Monica: It's a stupid game and I wasn't playing with people, so technically, I didn't lose.
Ross: You forgot 14 states?
Monica: Nobody cares about the Dakotas!

Quote from Chandler in The One with Rachel's Other Sister

Ross: Dude, well done. If I die and Rachel dies and Monica dies, you can totally take care of Emma.
Chandler: Oh, yeah? Well, thanks.
Ross: So... So now do I get Joey?
Chandler: Okay. But you should know he eats five times a day and shoves pennies up his nose.

Quote from Phoebe in The One with All the Thanksgivings

Phoebe: I've got one that's worse.
Chandler: Really? Worse than, "More turkey, Mr. Chandler?"
Phoebe: Did the little rich boy have a problem with the butler? Yes, mine's worse!
[Phoebe in a field hospital, Thanksgiving 1862]
Phoebe: More bandages! More bandages! Please, can I get some more bandages in here. This man is- [an explosion blows off Phoebe's arm] Oh, no.
[Present day:]
Ross: In this life, Phoebe.
Phoebe: Oh, this life? Oh, okay. No, Chandler's is worse.

Quote from Joey in The One with the Rumor

Joey: All right, where's that turkey?
Phoebe: Joey, those are my maternity pants.
Joey: No, no. These are my Thanksgiving pants!

Quote from Joey in The One Where Underdog Gets Away

Monica: Does anybody wanna split this?
Joey: I will.
Phoebe: Okay, you guys have to make a wish.
Monica: Make a wish?
Phoebe: Come on, you know, Thanksgiving. You got the bigger half! What did you wish for?
Joey: The bigger half.

Quote from Chandler in The One Where Underdog Gets Away

Joey: Set another place for Thanksgiving. My entire family thinks I have VD.
Chandler: Tonight on a very special Blossom.

Quote from Joey in The One with the Late Thanksgiving

Monica: We need to talk to you about something.
Chandler: Yeah. We don't feel like we can host Thanksgiving this year.
Joey: What?
Ross: Are you kidding?
Chandler: Well, it's just with work and the stress of adoption we just don't feel like we have the energy. Plus, we don't think it's fair that every year the burden falls on us.
Ross: That doesn't sound like you. That's Monica talking.
Chandler: No, no. We made this decision together.
Ross: She's putting words in your mouth.
Joey: Don't you put words in people's mouths. You put turkey in people's mouths.

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