Chandler Quote #1164
Quote from Chandler in The One with the Joke
Chandler: I think it's great that you work here. You're gonna make a lot of money. And here's your first tip. Don't eat yellow snow. [laughs, writes joke down] 2:15 Coffeehouse.
Friends Quotes
‘The One with the Joke’ Quotes
Quote from Joey
Monica: Joey, do you work here?
Joey: No.
Guy: Waiter.
Joey: Yeah!
Quote from Joey
Joey: Hey, look, you guys are just terrific, you know? So how about clearing out so I can get some new customers? It's all about turnover.
Ross: Joey. Seriously, can I get my coffee?
Joey: Oh, I'm sorry, Ross. I'll get it for you right now. And since I made you wait, I'll toss in a free muffin.
Quote from Chandler
Rachel: I have a question: If one of you had to pick one of the other two guys to go out with, who would you pick?
Ross: No way.
Joey: I'm not answering that.
Chandler: Joey. No way, I'm not answering that.