Gunther Quote #5
Quote from Gunther in The One with the Giant Poking Device
Gunther: Rachel has those in burgundy.
Friends Quotes
‘The One with the Giant Poking Device’ Quotes
Quote from Joey
Joey: I got a science question. If the Homo sapiens were, in fact, "homo" sapiens, is that why they're extinct?
Ross: Joey, Homo sapiens are people.
Joey: Hey, I'm not judging.
Quote from Gunther
Ross: Thanks, Gunther. [Rachel kisses Ross] Can I get a napkin too?
Gunther: Oh, like you don't already have everything.
Quote from Joey
Phoebe: He's alive! He's alive!
Monica: And yet we're still poking him.
Joey: Okay, retract the device! Retract the device!
Ross: He does not look happy.
Rachel: Hey, now he's showing us his poking device.
Joey: Hey, that's never gonna make it all the way over here, buddy!