Phoebe Quote #1538

Quote from Phoebe in The One with the Boob Job

Ross: I know the other day in the coffeehouse you were all caught up in the whole soccer-mom thing but is that really you? I mean, can you honestly picture yourself in a Volvo?
Phoebe: They are awfully boxy.


 ‘The One with the Boob Job’ Quotes

Quote from Ross

Phoebe: Listen, I wanted to ask you something about marriage.
Ross: Oh, great. Now you're seeking me out to make jokes? I mean, I can see if we're all hanging out, but to come to my home...

Quote from Joey

Chandler: Anyway I need to borrow some money.
Joey: Oh, sure. Yeah, how much? Two thousand dollars?
Chandler: Yes, $2000 exactly. How did you know that?
Joey: Uh. Well, I know how much you used to make, and I know how much your rent is.
Chandler: Oh, okay.
Joey: I am on fire.

Quote from Joey

Chandler: Look, Monica and I are having a little financial trouble.
Joey: Yeah, I know.
Chandler: What? What do you mean, you "know"?
Joey: I just figured it out, you know? I mean, you're not working, and the economy is bad.
Chandler: Oh, right.
Joey: That is the fastest I have ever thought.