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Where Every Bloke Knows Your Name

‘Where Every Bloke Knows Your Name’

Season 5, Episode 10 -  Aired January 6, 1998

Daphne regrets taking Frasier to her favorite pub when it becomes his new haunt.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: You know, I just feel like being on my own tonight. You don't mind, do you?
Niles: Of course not, I'll just see you at Cucina for lunch tomorrow.
Frasier: Well, maybe we ought to play that by ear as well.
Niles: As you wish.
Frasier: You're not upset, are you?
Niles: Frasier, I'd have to have a pretty fragile ego to be upset just because you want to take some time away from me.
Waiter: Do you want to pay?
Niles: Separate checks, please! [turns away from Frasier]


Quote from Frasier

Frasier: My old routine doesn't seem to satisfy me anymore. I'm trying to think of something new. Oh, I know, maybe I could join you and the guys for some cards, eh?
Martin: Oh, I don't know about that, Frasier; I just don't think you'd fit in.
Frasier: Why not? Roz is playing!
Martin: Well, Roz is like one of the guys. She knows more dirty jokes than Duke.
Frasier: Well, if that's the criteria, I'm sure I could tell you a tale or two which would make you blush like a school girl.
Martin: That's what I'm afraid of.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Well, that was a bust.
Daphne: Be glad you got out before the debate begins over who would be the most fun on a desert island. Angie Dickinson or Ursula Andress?
Frasier: That's ludicrous. It's Angie Dickinson.

Quote from Frasier

Daphne: Perhaps you've been feeling restless lately because of a lack of, well, you know, female companionship. So I thought...
Frasier: Oh, dear.
Daphne: Just listen. I'm meeting my friend Clare for drinks tonight and she's complained of feeling restless-
Frasier: Just stop right there. I think by now you'd know my policy on fix-up's.
Daphne: She's pretty, she's lonely and she's an underwear model.
Frasier: So you do know my policy. Off we go.

Quote from Frasier

Daphne: Say hello to the "Fox & Whistle."
Frasier: Well, you point her out and I will.

Quote from Frasier

Clare: Daphne!
Daphne: There's Clare now.
Frasier: My, my, she's everything you said she was.
Clare: I'm engaged!
Frasier: And more.

Quote from Frasier

Daphne: I'm sorry, Dr. Crane, it seems like I've dragged you down here for nothing.
Frasier: Oh hardly. If not for you, I would have missed seeing the World's Most Nauseating Couple defend their title.

Quote from Roz

Frank: Hey, Marty, Marty. Maybe you shouldn't tell that story.
Martin: What, because of Roz?
Roz: Oh please, Frank. If I can handle the Angie/Ursula debate, I think I can handle this.
Leo: But you agree with me on that one, right? You said you'd rather sleep with Angie?
Roz: One more time Leo. [slowly:] If I had to choose.

Quote from Roz

[Martin's going to the kitchen to get drinks.]
Martin: Roz?
Roz: Remember?
Martin: Oh, jeez, I'm sorry, I forgot.
Frank: What's the matter, Roz? You afraid you won't be able to control yourself with all these handsome guys here?
Roz: Well, it's a little late for that, Frank. I'm pregnant.
Frank: What? Really? Hey, that's great. I remember when my Annie was pregnant. There is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant broad.
Leo: You're in for a real treat, Roz. The best thing I ever did was having kids.
Duke: You know from the moment that you hold that brand new baby in your arms, your whole life changes.
Jimmy: You're right about that.
Frank: What about when they grab your fingers with those little hands. Oh, that's one of the greatest feelings there ever is.
Duke: Yeah, the joy of seeing them look up at you and smile.
Jimmy: Cherish every moment, Roz.
Frank: He's right. One minute they're sitting on your lap, you're their whole world. Next thing, they're growing up, out of the door with lives of their own.
Leo: And it's just you, old and alone in an empty house.
Duke: It's so empty.
[Martin returns to a silent, morose poker table]
Martin: Leo, I don't think you told that story right.

Quote from Daphne

Clare: I think that Steven likes you.
Daphne: I hope so. He's adorable. I must say, I was flattered when he assumed I was an underwear model too.
Clare: I noticed you didn't rush to correct him.
Daphne: Oh, there'll be time for that after the wedding.

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