Frasier Quote #3108
Quote from Frasier in Kenny on the Couch
Frasier: Did you tell him that he should go out more?
Martin: Yeah, what's wrong with that?
Frasier: Well, he is using it as an excuse to quit therapy. After one night out with you in a bar, the man is ready to throw away three weeks of intense analysis.
Martin: Well, Fras, the guy's finally having a little fun. Don't you want him to be happy?
Frasier: I am not trying to make him happy. I am trying to cure his depression!
Frasier Quotes
‘Kenny on the Couch’ Quotes
Quote from Niles
Ahmrit: Nice Bhujangasana, Daphne. And yours is very nice too, Niles. You're doing so much better this week.
Niles: Thank you. I just did what you suggested, and imagined myself having the reptilian sinuousness of a lizard scuttling across the desert floor.
Ahmrit: I thought I said rain forest.
Niles: You did, but I don't like the damp.
Quote from Niles
Daphne: If you want to learn yoga, why do we need some fancy private teacher? There are classes we could take together down at the Y.
Niles: Yes, and afterwards there are anti-fungal lotions we can use together, too.
Quote from Niles
Niles: Ooh, Freud, Bettelheim, Jung. Someone's playing with the big boys.
Frasier: Yes, well, it's for my patient.
Niles: You're seeing patients again?
Frasier: Well, just this one for the past three weeks. Very challenging case, too. The man has father issues, any number of neuroses, and a phobia or two.
Niles: Sounds to me like you've hit the crackpot. [Daphne gives Niles an unimpressed glare] I'm sorry. I heard it at a convention.