Niles Quote #1499
Quote from Niles in The Three Faces of Frasier
Frasier: Oh, Niles.
Niles: Where the hell have you been? Stefano's been trying to place me for the last forty minutes. Was I ever in Panama? Did I sell him his first Lincoln? Do I have a box at the dog track?
Frasier: Why didn't you just say yes and let that be the end of it?
Niles: Oh, that's a good idea.
Frasier Quotes
‘The Three Faces of Frasier’ Quotes
Quote from Frasier
Frasier: The doctor says it's all just a matter of aging. Well, no reason to let it ruin our festive lunch.
Martin: Yeah, boy, you don't forget that trip to the doctor, do you? That day he says, "There's nothing I can do for ya, you're just getting old, sport."
Frasier: In my case it was "slugger" but that was the gist.
Martin: Yeah, well, you know what I realize? When people reach our stage of life...
Frasier: Dad, please, with all due respect. When it comes to life's journeys, you and I don't share a stage. We're not even in the same theatre.
Quote from Frasier
Niles: So, how was lunch? What was the big surprise?
Martin: Don't ask! The less said, the better.
Daphne: They put his picture on the wall and he thinks his forehead looks a touch too big.
Frasier: A touch?! I look like a fugitive from Easter Island.
Quote from Frasier
Martin: Fras, will you let it go, it's a perfectly nice picture.
Frasier: Oh, so nothing about it jumped out at you as, oh, I don't know, encephalitic!
Martin: So they gave you a big forehead. Who cares? It makes you look smart.
Frasier: It makes me look like I discovered fire.