Frasier Quote #1263

Quote from Frasier in Ham Radio

Frasier: Nightmare Inn, Act Two. I was baffled. They all had alibis. Suddenly, Miss Thorndike pointed, her eyes wide with alarm.
Roz: There's someone outside the window.
Frasier: Why yes, Miss Thorndike, it appears to be... [calliope music plays] ... the ice-cream truck! But never mind that, suddenly the storm put the lights out. And we were left with darkness. Then a scream.
Maxine: [screams] Look out! He's got a nug!
Frasier: A gun! A gun is what he's got.


 ‘Ham Radio’ Quotes

Quote from Gil

Gil: I'll take it. After all, Nigel does have that divine speech in the second act about his boyhood in Surrey. "Romping with his school chums in the fens and spinneys, when the twilight bathed the hedgerows like a lambent flame." Actually, I had rather a long peek at the script.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: By this time, I was more baffled than ever. So I played a hunch. Hans, may I see your fingernails?
Niles: [German:] Why?
Frasier: They seem a bit ragged for a butler!
Niles: [German:] All right, all right. I'm not what I appear. None of us is. I'm not a butler, I'm not even... [turns page]
German? [normal accent:] Sit down, inspector, you are about to hear a fascinating tale. Each of us holds a piece of the puzzle to relate to you. When we've finished, you will know the full dark secret of "Nightmare Inn"!
Roz: [garbled] Are you sure we should, Hans?
[Frasier starts to direct Niles, distracting him]
Niles: Be quiet, mother. Mother and I moved here when I was a small boy after the... tragic death of my father...I kept the pain of that loss buried deep within me like a serpent coiled within a damp... cave... [drops script]
Okay, that's it! Never mind all that, I'm just going to take this gun off the table. Sorry about that, O'Toole, I guess we'll never hear your fascinating piece of the puzzle. [two shots] Or yours, Kragen and Peppo. Could the McAllister sisters stand back-to-back, I'm short on bullets. [shot] Thank you! What was your name again, dear?
Roz: [garbled] Miss Thorndyke.
Niles: Thank you. [shot] Ah, and also Mr. Wing. [shot, followed by Noel shaking the bell] And of course, one final bullet for myself so the mystery will die with me. [shot] Ha!

Quote from Roz

Frasier: In all my years at the Yard, I doubt I'd ever seen a fouler night than that on which I was called out to investigate a double murder at the old inn on the moors. The door was answered by Miss Carlotta Thorndyke. Her face was unfamiliar and when she opened her lips I caught a hint of some exotic accent.
Roz: [with a painful, numb mouth] Inspector-- Ow. Thank God you've come.
Frasier: This is a grisly business, Miss Thorndyke.
Roz: [with a painful, numb mouth] I can't believe any of my guests could be a multiple murderer.
Frasier: That's easy for you to say.