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Crane vs. Crane

‘Crane vs. Crane’

Season 3, Episode 19 - Aired April 9, 1996

Niles is upset when Frasier decides to take the opposing side in a notable court case at which he is set to testify.

Quote from Martin

Frasier: That was the most riveting production of Wagner I have seen this season.
Niles: I still have goose bumps from when Klingsor summoned Kundry with a terrible cry and ordered her to seduce Parsifal: "Ha! Er Ist Shun Der Knabe!"
Martin: Well, I had a pretty good night too. Took myself a nice, hot bath. And, remember that corn I had on my toe? Well, it got so soft I was just able to peel it right off.


Quote from Frasier

Frasier: But tell me, why do you call people "Sparky"?
Mr. Safford: It makes them smile. Right, Sparky? You ought to try it with your patients.
Frasier: Oh, I'm not too sure how warmly that would be embraced by those undergoing electroshock.

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