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Quote from Martin in Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice...

Martin: Somebody stole your briefcase, huh?
Frasier: Yes, all right, Dad, go ahead. Tell me how stupid I was to get taken advantage of that way. It's certainly better than listening to "Jumping Jack Flash" arranged for piano and flute.
Martin: I don't think you were stupid. These guys are pros. They just need a second, like that, and they're out the door.
Frasier: Well, that's rather refreshing. I was expecting you to call me every name from a naive dupe to a-
Martin: Bone-headed rube?
Frasier: But you're not.
Martin: No, I'm not. The important thing is you learned a lesson. You got to keep your guard up. This world would be a happier place if everybody would remember two little words: People stink.

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