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Quote from Niles in Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice...

Niles: Allow me. [Holds the door open for a woman who breezes through without acknowledgement.] You're welcome. [to Frasier] When did everyone become so boorish? Honestly, sometimes I think I'm the only person left in the world with any sense of refinement. Ooh! Ooh! Smell my hands!
Frasier: Thank you, no.
Niles: I'm just so proud. I had to stop for gas, and I pumped it myself! It's part of a new kick I'm on.
Frasier: Which is what?
Niles: I'm learning to be handy. I've decided I depend too much on other people, so I'm doing it myself. Ooh, feel that. Tell me that's not the start of a first-rate callus.

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