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Quote from Daphne in The Three Faces of Frasier

Daphne: I know you're sensitive about your big forehead, but we all have stuff like that. With me it's my eyes. I've always fancied sparkling blue ones instead of dull old brown.
Niles: Your eyes? Your eyes are not dull.
Daphne: Thank you, Dr. Crane. That's very nice.
Niles: Well, they're warm and... full of life.
Daphne: You have beautiful eyes, too. ... Oh, goodness, I can't be lollygagging around here. I have to... to get Dr. Crane his oat bran.
Frasier: Oat bran? Now?
Daphne: You'll need it for the morning. You've got to have something to sop up all that nasty cholesterol gumming up your heart. If not, I'm liable to come home and find you face down on the floor with the dog gnawing off your foot. And I'm not making that up either, that happened. Cheerio.
Martin: I wished she moved that fast when I'm out of beer.

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