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Quote from Frasier in The Three Faces of Frasier

Mama: What is this? The pictures?
Frasier: It's nothing. It's no business of yours. Off you go.
Mama: Stefano! Stefano!
Frasier: Ssh.
Stefano: Mama, what is it? [speaks Italian]
Mama: [speaks Italian, points to pictures]
Stefano: Dr. Crane, what is this?
Frasier: Oh, all right. I may as well just tell you the truth. The fact is, I don't really care for this picture either. It's just that I'm afraid your artist has lost his touch. To be honest, I think he's robbing you blind. I mean, my God, how much is this hack charging you?
[Mama starts crying]
Frasier: Mama's the hack, isn't she?
[Stefano explodes, shouting at Frasier in Italian and signalling for him to leave]

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