Quote from Niles in RDWRER
Frasier: You know, besides, I'm actually enjoying this little trip through the heartland. I feel a bit out of touch with the common man, it's nice to reconnect. Niles: Well, while you're reconnecting. Why don't you let me drive? [Frasier and Martin share a look] Frasier: I would, Niles. It's just that, em... I need you to navigate. Martin: Yeah, you're the most important member of our crew, good buddy. Frasier: The man with the map. Niles: Stop patronizing me. I want to drive. Martin: Oh, you're not good with big cars, Niles. Remember when I tried to teach you to drive my Le Sabre? You kept panicking and pulling on the emergency brake. Niles: Well, it's a good thing I did. Those mailboxes weren't even slowing me down.