Quote from Daphne in She's the Boss
Daphne: Oh, don't worry, Dr. Crane, I'll take Eddie for a walk. And as far as your problem at work goes, if you want my opinion- Frasier: Don't! I've had my share of women's opinions for the week, between the station's new Reichschancellor and Roz's incessant whining. As far as I'm concerned, your entire sex can put a sock in it! [Frasier goes back to his bedroom] Martin: Boy, you'd never let me get away with a comment like that. Daphne: [gets up and walks over to the door] Oh, even the best of us can get a bit cranky when we're overtired. All Dr. Crane needs right now is a little peace and quiet. Eddie? [Daphne puts two fingers in her mouth and emits a loud whistle] Frasier: [o.s.] Damn it!