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Quote from Bebe in Agents in America, Part III

Bebe: Darling, this isn't about us. It's just a little bargaining tactic. I threaten to jump, you talk me down, major coverage. Bang! Your price goes up twenty percent. My life is meaningless! Talk to me, darling, talk to me.
Frasier: Are you out of your mind? Now listen, you're coming in. You're coming in right now!
Bebe: Get away from me! You can't talk me out of this! At least not until Channel Five gets here.
Now come on, dear, make like a therapist.
Frasier: God, you are out of your mind! You need help. You- You should be in therapy!
Bebe: That's good, but louder. Give me one reason to live! Just one! ...
Frasier: There are ... hundreds of reasons! Work, art, the people who care about you! [lowers voice] Now come in, you crazy bitch!

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