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Quote from Frasier in Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice...

Heather: [pointing at Frasier] There he is. He's the man who's been impersonating Frasier Crane.
Officer: All right, let's go.
Frasier: Oh, what are you talking about? I am Frasier Crane!
Officer: Do you have identification?
Frasier: Well, no, no. But it's the truth. [to Phil] Tell them.
Phil: Thank God you got here when you did, officer! I detained him as long as I could!
Frasier: What?!
Officer: Move it.
Frasier: But he's lying! He's the imposter! Don't you people recognize me?! Oh, for goodness sake! This is madness! I can't believe this is happening! People of the world, listen to me! Trust no one, especially that lazy bastard!

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