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Quote from Niles in A Mid-Winter Night's Dream

Daphne: I suppose I just fall in love too fast. The minute I feel that spark, I just give my heart away.
Niles: Daphne, you must stop being so hard on yourself. What you see as a fault is also your greatest gift - to be so open, warm and loving.
Daphne: You're so kind, Dr. Crane. I'm glad we ended up like this tonight.
Niles: So am I.
Daphne: It's just so nice to be with a man you feel so comfortable with. I feel very close to you.
Niles: I feel very close to you too, Daphne. You know it's easy being someone you feel close to, when you feel close to someone who's ... so close. [Niles leans over Daphne]
[Music starts playing]
Daphne: Dr. Crane, your Glockenspiel has sprung to life!
Niles: ... Oh, the clock!

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