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Quote from Frasier in Fraternal Schwinns

Frasier: [on air] Oh, but Roz is reminding me that next Saturday is the first annual KACL AIDS Bike-A-Thon. It's bound to be an afternoon of family, fun, and lots of surprises, so dust off your velocipedes and I'll see you there.
Kenny: [entering the booth] Great pitch, Doc. So, uh, what are the surprises?
Frasier: Well, first and foremost, I am not going.
Roz: But you just told them you'd see them there.
Frasier: Yes, Roz, I'm merely getting the rubes into the tent. I will gladly give my money, but spending the afternoon riding bicycles with a bunch of hooligans is not my idea of fun.
Kenny: It's just kids and families.
Frasier: Yes, well so was the KACL family picnic at the zoo, until those urchins jostled me into the orangutan grove. Let me tell you, orangutans are not the playful gentlemen of the trees the nature shows claim.

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