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Quote from Daphne in The Ring Cycle

Judge Stern: Is this everybody?
Niles: Yes.
Judge Stern: Let's get started. We come here today to unite this man and this woman in marriage. I understand Daphne and Niles have composed vows that are especially significant to them. Niles.
Niles: [listlessly] Uh, I, Niles Crane take you, Daphne Moon, to be my wife. I, I vow to you my, my fidelity and support, honor, respect, uh, honesty, protection, and support. You are my comfort and joy and, oh, shoot, there's one more.
Daphne: One true love.
Niles: One true love. That's right. Okay, you go.
Daphne: "Okay, you go"? I, Daphne Moon, do... I'm sorry, this is wrong. I can't stand here and rattle off a bunch of words that don't mean anything anymore. I can't go through with this.
Donny: Yes! I knew it! Now you know what it's like to have the love of your life dump you at the altar! And good luck trying to find somebody as good, because she just ain't out there!

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